Hello and welcome to the new Optio blog! I’m Drew, I write like my life depends on it, so I figured no better way to kick things off than to christen this new site with a blog post! My style is a tad long winded, for which I apologize. I’ve been writing novels for the past two years straight, the first of which I’m currently attempting to get published, and that does something to your writing style. I’m no Ernest Hemingway, but that guy was kind of a prick, so I’m not too worried. That sentence is the perfect segue into the other dimension of my writing style: the informality which punctuates my otherwise long winded entries. Can’t say I’m not entertaining, eh? But in all seriousness, if I say something that offends or upsets you, please let me know so that I can continue to improve my writing in the future and produce content that people besides me can actually enjoy.

What better intro than to thrust our logo in your face?

I do, in fact, write all the captions on the Instagram page. Sometimes I spend upwards of an hour thinking of how to condense those hefty ideas into bite-sized chunks of knowledge that sound more meaningful than just the average bullshit people tend to smear all over their surface level pages. I like to delve deep and cut into the meat of the matter, so I have to be as concise as possible when it comes to those bad boys.

I also like this format because I can rant at you all day long, and if you’re entertained, or dare I say…. interested, then you’ll keep reading! Truly, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to this new home for Optio, as at the time of writing, we lost our old Instagram page to hackers, and watching everything I’d spent upwards of two years building go up in flames in a matter of hours was a deeply unsettling experience. We rallied as best we could, but alas, the page is gone, and we’ve been undergoing a bit of a rebirth ever since.

On this blog, I’ll post excerpts from some poetry and philosophy novellas I’ve written, discuss historical, philosophical, and other broader topics, as well as update you guys on the state of the Prioritization Station and perhaps even update you on my own life, whether you care or not. Reason being, writing about myself is exhausting, but if I can place myself in a broader historical context, then I’ll give it the ol’ college try.

Thank you for reading this far, and I look forward to more entries in the future! Thank you!
