Hi! So, in my last update I discussed a bit about upcoming posts and new ideas and the fact I’d returned after a month-long hiatus. Since then, I’ve been working out a posting schedule and the types of topics I want to write about in general. Overall, for the longer pieces, I’m thinking once per week during a series, so for example the Technology Lost to Time series will be posted on Monday 3pm MST weekly until further notice. Up to this point I’ve been relatively sporadic about how I do things as I got a feel for my life schedule and balancing it out with this.

I’m thinking of dividing posts into longer and shorter categories, and for the shorter ones, I’ll probably just post them on the spot depending on the topic. I like to schedule things out as it frees me up in the long run.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll come out with an Optio Update soon! I’ve been hard at work behind the scenes. For now, the next part of the series will come out on Monday, and every Monday thereafter.